BTR News – If free public community colleges is unattainable then so is reparations

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Today we will be speaking with Tag Harmon who is a current college student who is interning with the Black Talk Media Project. We will discuss what he is learning from his college studies and the Black Talk Media Project about the power of the news media.

After our interview, I want to know why some Black people campaigning for Hillary Clinton think that free tuition at college universities is not realistic but some of them think obtaining reparations for slavery is?

Why are showcased Black people all of a sudden trying to minimize Black poverty in America?

3-7-2016 1-46-14 AM
Last night it was reported that the state of Maine had record voter turnout for the Democratic Caucuses. Maine has 1.33 million people with a population of about 18,000 black people. Less than 4,000 voters turned out to vote and that was a record!

This and possibly more today on BTR News.

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