BTR News – 2016 Baltimore Candidate for City Council Christopher Ervin

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Christopher Ervin, 2016 Democratic candidate for District 5 of the Baltimore City Council in Maryland will be joining us today. The general election in Maryland will take place on April 26, 2016. He is in a race with six different candidates all running as Democrats.

Mr. Ervin’s bio:

“A father, former marine and a grassroots public servant, has lived in the Howard Park community for over 12 years with his daughter, India. Chris studied Social Science at Coppin State and Criminal Law at the University of Maryland College Park. He is well known throughout the State of Maryland for his expertise on the subject matter of criminal justice reform and has worked tirelessly on quality of life issues impacting youth and families, seniors and the developmentally disabled.

Chris is committed to pushing for social justice and has developed strong relationships with grassroots community organizations fighting for fair and equitable treatment of vulnerable individuals and underserved communities.”

Baltimore Police find themselves yet againembroiled in another police brutality scandal with a cop caught on video assualting a teenager police allege was trepassing on school property and mouthing off to officers. However, activists and other members of the community feel the officer who went to far and he should be fired and prosecuted for the assualt. One of the officer being investigated was fired from the Baltimore County Police in 2003.

Last night Senator Bernie Sanders squared off in a political debate with presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton. Clinton in order to sway Black voters to cast ballots for her in the primaries and cacuses, has sought to deceptfully link herself to President Obama polices. One policy she does not embrace is tuition free public colleges and universities of any kind and simply wants to limit debt as oppossed to preventing college debt from occuring. However, President Obama has his own initative to make two years of community college (public) tuition free.

As recently as September of last year, President Obama renewed the push.

“President Obama will formally unveil a coalition of community college leaders, educators, politicians, foundations and businesses that will work to spread the existing, different free two-year college models and recruit others interested in pushing the free tuition message nationally during his visit today at Michigan’s Macomb Community College.”

Last but not least, the state of North Carolina is asking for public comment and proposals related to monument to be erected honoring the contributions of Black North Carolinians. Of course we heard the obvious call to include enslaved Africans but enslavement is not the story of every African descnedant person who has lived in North Carolina

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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