BTR News – Hillary Clinton helped engineer two regime changes as Sec of State

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During last night’s Republican debates, John Kasich took Hillary Clinton to task for her role in the regime change in Libya leading to it being overrun by Jihadis. Of course in CoIntelPro like fashion, an MSNBC writer puts his spin on it and regurgitates the same lies used by the rest of the Obama administration to pull off regime change in Libya.

Hillary Clinton’s alleged feminism is put to question after 7 years after as Secretary of State, she supported a coup to overthrow the democratically elected government of Honduras.

Telesur reports, “the U.S.-backed 2009 coup that ousted democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya. Under then-Secretary of State Clinton, the U.S. State Department aided the coup by blocking Zelaya from returning to power after he was ousted.”.

Feminist groups say since the ousting of the popularly elected president, violence against women and other crimes have gone up dramatically.

Black feminists and sorority sisters are dubbing Hillary Clinton as a “sister” much in the same way her husband former President Bill Clinton was referred to as a “brother” by some Black people in the 1990s. Black voters, a bloc dominated by women, have all but carried Hillary Clinton through the Democratic primaries thus far.

Without out Black women and Black voters in general, Hillary Clinton’s campaign would be done and all she would have to do is sit around and wait to be possibly indicted along with others working as Clinton aides at the State Dept and the Clinton Foundation in the deepening email scandal.

The State Department staffer who moon-lighted as the Clinton’s personal homebrew email server guru has been granted immunity from prosecution by the FBI in exchange for answering questions about what directives he was given by the former Secretary of State.

The US government, the states and law enforcement continue to protect homegrown terrorists while prosecuting those who express only verbal support for so-called ISIL. Anti-racist protesters have been arrested after a physical altercation with members of a white supremacist terrorist organization that had obtained a permit to engage in verbal terrorism and physical intimidation under the guise of the first amendment when Muslims also in the US are being charged for displaying the ISIL flag on their FB profiles and making pro-ISIL posts.

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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