BTR News – Brooklyn 5, MHP, South Carolina Primary and Min. Farrakhan

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4:00PM EST – Tune in for an hour of news, information and commentary.

The five teens falsely accused of raping 18 yr old woman in a park have their charges dropped. Why prosecutors like Ken Thompson matter.

Why did Melissa Harris-Perry quit her gig at MSNBC? Some say a fight with producers over a segment featuring Beyonce’s new song “formation”.

Exit polls in South Carolina in the Democratic Primary show that Black voters accounted for 6 out of 10 ballots cast for Democrats and upwards of 80% voted for Hillary Clinton helping her to win the state. What political lessons can we take away from this?

While Black voters were busy helping Hillary Clinton to victory on Saturday, Min. Louis Farrakhan was delivering a sermon in which he called Hillary Clinton a “wicked woman“.

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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