Race Treaty – Panel discussion on “Culture As A Human Right”

Race Treaty

Topic Culture as a Human Right.  Tonight’s program will be guest hosted by Stephanie Franklin – Co-Chair of the Ubuntu Council/Chair of the Baltimore Coalition for UN WGPOAD Visit.

The purpose of the topic is to discuss the importance of culture as a human right under the scope of the International Decade for People of African Descent, reparations, and cultural genocide.

Each of tonight’s panelist are engaging in very important work that is consistent with the theme of the Decade (recognition, justice and development) and honoring our cultural identity through remembrance and preservation of our African and Diasporic cultural roots and ancestors.

Guest Panel:

  • Navasha Daya – Youth Resiliency Institute. Navasha Daya humbly serves Baltimore City, as Co- Founder and Director of the Healing & Performing Arts of the Youth Resiliency Institute. She is also a professional performing and recording artist and a certified holistic wellness practitioner.
  • Ann Chinn – Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project. Ann Chinn founded Middle Passage Ceremonies and Port Markers Project in 2011 to repair the broken circle that traditionally  bound  living and future generations to African ancestors. This connection was broken as a direct result of  the  transatlantic human trade. The Project is a culmination of my life’s interest in history, family, community, culture and art.
  • Babalawo Ifasola Iwintola Adeosun. Babalawo Ifasola Iwintola Adeosun is a priest of Ifa and Oosala (Obatala) located in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been a west African dancer and drummer for 30 years and a visual and performing artist for over 40 years. He is also the owner of Sola Architectural Coatings and Designs.
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