BTR News – The Clintons are enemies of Black people all over the planet

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Today Hillary Clinton met with Black religious leaders in Philadelphia where she was lauded as the most qualified candidate seeking the Democratic nomination for President. How Black people can forget her and husband’s ties to crimes against the Black global community is of chief concern and it deserves consideration.

We will speak with Mr. West Thea of AfriSynery News about the war crimes Hillary Clinton was at the center of in Libya and how the American News Media has failed to question her over her role in ethnic cleansing of the North African nation which has not recovered from the devastation unleashed upon it in order to prop up the American Dollar and the French Franc. The Obama administration lied and a whole lot of Black people died as a result.

Also, President Obama gave remarks at the Israeli Embassy while participating in the Righteous Among Nations Award Ceremony to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the date the United Nations has chosen to commemorate victims of the Holocaust during World War II.

It seems a bit hypocritical for a war criminal to be speaking at the embassy of an apartheid country that has long engaged in human rights crimes against the Palestinians and practicing racism and eugenics against Black Jews including a sterilization program that cut the birthrates of the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel by 20% to 50% according to various reports.

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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