The C.O.W.S. 2015 Counter-Racist Review

Friday, January 1st 12:00AM Eastern/ Thursday, December 31st 9:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the 2015 Counter-Racist Review. Over the past twelve months we saw the transition of sportscaster Stuart Scott, journalist Dori Maynard, Civil Rights legend Julian Bond, and historian and scholar Dr. Ben. Obtaining an education on the plantation of White Supremacy proved especially challenging with black students being body slammed in South Carolina, while monuments to revered White Supremacist Cecil Rhodes continue to be lorded over black pupils in South Africa. Even black educators found no sanctuary as a group of black faculty received years of prison time for a cheating scandal in Atlanta, Georgia. The world rushed to sympathize with and support for the White victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack and the subsequent carnage in Paris, France. Conversely, the black female victims of convicted sexual predator and former enforcement officer Daniel Holtzclaw were mostly ignored and disbelieved. White journalists have insisted that we acknowledge the threat of muslim terrorists, but have remained comparatively quiet about the litany of attacks against black places of worship. The one attack on a church that did receive substantial attention was Dylann Storm Roof’s terrorist offensive in Charleston, South Carolina. Roof killed nine people and may have executed a political assassination taking the life of State Representative Rev. Clementa Pinckney. Unlike Tamir Rice, Walter Scott or Freddie Gray, Roof was fed and taken into custody unharmed.

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