The C.O.W.S. Christopher Everett: WILMINGTON ON FIRE

Monday, December 21st 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific



The Context of White Supremacy welcomes actor. author, director. filmmaker and writer Christopher Everett. Mr. Everett is a black male and a North Carolina native. He used his immense skill to produce his first feature-length documentary film, Wilmington On Fire. The project examines the November 10, 1898 coordinated White Terrorist attack on the port city of Wilmington, North Carolina. Black Wilmingtons established a thriving area and were doing considerably well for themselves only three decades removed from the Civil War. White rage boiled over at the thought of “successful” negroes, and White mobs in conjunction with the North Carolina Democratic Party murdered countless black citizens; Whites then forced the remaining blacks to exit the town. This event is considered a catalyst for extensive White Terrorism throughout the region and was used to loot a gargantuan amount of black owned property. Listeners should remember the work of author and former C.O.W.S. guest Elliot Jaspin. He contends the evidence shows that this type of coordinated White Terrorism and ejection of black citizens happened more than 260 times in United States.
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