The C.O.W.S. The Compensatory Call-In 12/19/15

Saturday, December 19th 9:00PM Eastern/ 6:00PM Pacific

Compensatory Call InThe Context of White Supremacy hosts the weekly Compensatory Call-In. We encourage non-white listeners to dial in with their codified concepts, new terms, observations, research findings, workplace problems or triumphs, and/or suggestions on how best to Replace White Supremacy With Justice ASAP. We’ll use these sessions to hone our use of words as tools to reveal truth, neutralize White people. We’ll examine news reports from the past seven days and – hopefully – promote a constructive dialog.


It likely would have been expecting too much to have consecutive weeks of enforcement officers being convicted of terrorizing black people. A week after Daniel Holtzclaw was found guilty in Oklahoma, the first of six trials against the Baltimore, Maryland officers accused of killing Freddie Gray concluded in a mistrial. There’s no conclusion on when – or if – a re-trial will be scheduled or how this will impact the five pending trials. In Chicago, Illinois officer Jason Van Dyke was indicted for the murder of 17-year-old Laquan MacDonald; he’ll be arraigned later this month. Whites are spewing tremendous rhetoric about improving the criminal justice system as a result of these cases; in New York they indicated alterations to the practice of solitary confinement – they did not commit to eliminating the practice. Beyond their highfalutin words, pathological White patterns and practices remain. A Northern California prison was indicted for an “entrenched culture” of Racism and violence that one victim described as having a “KKK… feeling”. On a good note, Serena Williams was branded the 2015 Sportsperson of the Year by Sports Illustrated. Many White Supremacists were enraged that the black tennis titan won the award over a horse. More tellingly, Sports Illustrated connected the achievement to Williams’ decision to forgive and forget by returning to Indian Wells for the first time since a 2001 display of tackiness and Racism from thousands of White spectators.

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