Anita Alverez After 30 years Is Just Now Questioning Cops Turning Off Cams

Mark Clements, Victim of Jon Burge & CPD Torture Unit, Anita Alverez, 30 year Cooke County Prosecutor and Jon Burge, convicted felon and former CPD torture cop.
Mark Clements, Victim of Jon Burge & CPD Torture Unit, Anita Alverez, 30 year Cooke County Prosecutor and Jon Burge, convicted felon and former CPD torture cop.

By Scotty Reid – Illinois Cooke County State Prosecutor Anita Alverex has been on the job for 30 years. In between 1972 and 1991 in order to force false confessions, the disgusting former Chicago Police Department detective and commander Jon Burge who is now a convicted felon, gained notoriety for torturing more than 200 criminal suspects.

Anita Alverex is the prosecutor who failed to prosecute Burge despite the overwhelming evidence and continues to fight new trials for the remaining Jon Burge and Chicago Police Department victims still behind bars.

Thirty years later she suddenly questions whether or not Chicago Police are turning off their cameras. Considering the microscope she now finds herself after the seedy cover-up the Laquan McDonald murder which took her a year to bring charges against killer cop Jason Van Dyke, her questions appear politically expedient.

Alverez has a history of pro-cop biased and not one of practicing justice as further demonstrated by her lack of will to prosecute the cops who turned in false reports thus participating a conspiracy to cover up the murder of promising teen Laquan McDonald.

Even though Alreverz knows that the media has been falsely “reporting” the lies that emanated from the Chicago Police union that Laquan McDonald was high on PCP when his toxicology report recorded no positive test for any illegal substance, she fails at every opportunity to put an end to the victim blaming and combat falsified reports.

Alverex was recently sked if officers were turning off dashcam audio, Ald. Willie Cochran a former Chicago cop, said, “I don’t doubt it.” Yet he quickly added that officers are called on to check that the video and audio are working at the start of their shifts.

Alverez responded, “If they’re not working, they’re required to call in and get it repaired,” Cochran said. “The question is, how efficient has the repair process been?”

“Whether it’s malfunctioning, or officers are physically turning them off when they get in that squad car … that’s something I believe the Police Department has to address,” Alvarez continued. “And they have to address it because we would prefer to have the audio.”

Somehow that does not seem like a response of a prosecutor in upholding the law but more like someone laying out excuses while shifting responsibility to fix the “problem” back to the very department that covered up the McDonald killing.

12-4-2013 3-05-12 PM
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