Birmingham Police refusing to investigate hate crime against Black Lives Matter activist

11-25-2015 2-34-15 PM

By Scotty Reid

By now, most have seen or heard of the mob assault on the Black Lives Matter activist who was attacked at a campaign rally for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump in Birmingham, Alabama.  While it is not known if the Birmingham police have viewed the video of Mercutio Southall being kicked and dragged by Trump supporters while calling their victim a “nigger” and a “monkey” but Birmingham Police spokesperson Lt. Sean Edwards told reporters he considers Southall “an agitator from day one.” That is an interesting take for a law enforcement officer unless in Alabama shouting “Black Lives Matter” is a justifiable reason to commit mob violence against a person making a political statement at a political rally.

Mr. Southall’s attorney David Gespass told media outlets that he and his client are investigating what “tangible legal grounds” they could use to sue the redneck whisperer Donald Trump. After other protesters interrupted a Bernie Sanders event back in August by climbing onto the stage and hijacking the mic to chant “Say Her Name” in reference to the violence women face at the hands of law enforcement, Trump said back then that “That will never happen with me, “I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself, or if other people will”. Southall never attempted to reach the stage and was a considerable distance from Trump when the assault took place after Trump told the crowd to “Get ’em the hell out of here.”

Violence has been a reoccurring theme with Trump supporters and staff.

In September, a Trump security team member stole a banner from a Latino protestor and then assaulted the man when he tried to retrieve his property.

In August, citing Donald Trump as inspiration, two white men in Boston beat a Latino homeless man and then urinated on the victim.

In October, Trump supporters in Virginia attacked Latino protestors and spit on them.

The attack on the Black Lives Matter activist is the fourth such incident in four months straight involving supporters of Donald Trump who in reference to Mercutio Southall said he deserved to be “roughed up”.

However, the Birmingham police spokesperson Lt. Sean Edwards should be forced to give an account for his tacit approval of racist violence against another Black person because that black person expressed himself politically in a way that Trump and his brigade of violent thugs did not like.

What if someone assaulted Donald Trump because they do not like how he expresses himself? Would the proxy tool of racism, Lt. Sean Edwards seek to shield Trump’s attackers because Trump is an “agitator” of racial violence? Of course the answer is no, he would not.

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