Justice Radio Station*– “Myth Of Black Inferiority!” ‘French Congo??? COLONIAL-ISM!’ *Self-Knowledge, Defeating Racism in the Form of White Supremacy! -2 of 2 parts-

Meta Physical 20015

After 150 years why do we not have knowledge of SELF, CONSCIOUSNESS? Something talked about a lot but not understood! I Encourage re-looking at Knowledge Of Self. I cannot teach you Self knowledge, only give information regarding it and steps towards its realization, that is the goal.

The most important factor that determines a persons’ behavior is his level of consciousness, it will determine her level of perception which in turn will determine what she knows or believes and his attitude towards her emotions and sensuality and appetite.

Unless we experience our “True Self” we can only believe what we are taught. CONSCIOUSNESS!

A System Of Justice (With A Meaning) Will Be Better Than What We Have!



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