The C.O.W.S. Terrorist Attack In Paris, France

Saturday, November 15th 12:00PM Eastern/ 9:00AM Pacific


The Context of White Supremacy will use our Global Sunday Talk On Racism to address the terrorist attacks in Paris, France. This broadcast is designed to encourage participation from non-white listeners outside the United States and/or non-white people who are unable to call-in during our typical broadcast time. With the carnage in Paris, we look forward to hearing from less confused Victims of Racism who’ve been watching events unfold in Europe. There’s great uncertainty, but it seems abundantly clear that this event will be used to strengthen the System of White Supremacy and justify increased White aggression. “ISIS” and “Radical Islamists” may just be code words for non-white people. We’re relate the recent attacks to the Charlie Hebdo assault from earlier this year and the 7/7/05 London bombing. We’ll also review the second week of the Daniel Holtzclaw trial and allow for updates to workplace Racism experienced by listeners.
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