Justice Radio Station* “After 150 Years WHY ARE WE NOT FREE?”-‘How To Counter Racism in the form of White Supremacy!’11/11/15 Wednesday 9:00p.m. Eastern

Meta Physical Aug 23 20015

Wednesday 9:00 P.M. EST.  Phone (605)562-3140 code 918135# star 6, 1  ON AIR To Give Your Constructive Interactions, Philosophies, Opinions, Suggestions

After 150 years how much are we contributing to our condition? Is it enough to say it is the White Supremacist? I Am not complaining, I Am Encouraging re-looking at Self, not the one we are conditioned to become through The Socialization Process where we accept the Power equation of One ‘Race’ is Superior and another is Inferior, The Philosophy of USA INC. Remains that “Black People ARE Inferior” This is being projected so that a child coming on the scene can see the power equation. “REMEMBER, RECLAIM, RESTORE!!!” A system of Justice will be better than what we have. Where the Individual will guarantee that no one is mistreated, including the individual and guarantee that who needs the most constructive help receives it.




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