Sunday, October 11th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

Arno Michaelis is one of the local voices at the 19th Annual Urban Initiatives Conference, Restorative Practices: Repairing Harm and Building Communities. The conference is presented by the UWM Center for Urban Initiatives & Research and The Medical College of Wisconsin.
Arno Michaelis is one of the local voices at the 19th Annual Urban Initiatives Conference, Restorative Practices: Repairing Harm and Building Communities. The conference is presented by the UWM Center for Urban Initiatives & Research and The Medical College of Wisconsin.
listen-000000The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Arno Michaelis. Mr. Michaelis is a White man who invested years of his youth in “racist skinhead organizations.” Michaelis was “a reverend of a self-declared Racial Holy War” and the lead singer for a White Supremacist band. He is now lauded for transforming himself from a hater of negroes to an advocate for social justice, an opponent of Racism. He’s been on various television outlets, invited to speaking engagements, and published a book on his experience titled: My Life After Hate.  We’re excited to hear details about his duties as a neo-nazi and the purpose of his book.

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