The C.O.W.S. “Dating A Sneaky Kind Of Racist”

Tuesday, September 15th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific
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The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Gethsemane Herron-Coward. She’s currently a Master’s Student in Theater and Performance Studies at the University of Maryland. Her academic interests include intersectionality, gender and women’s studies, and African-American studies. Many listeners saw Ms. Herron-Coward’s recent piece at the Washington PostI dated a man who was looking for all-black everything. The piece explains her courtship with a charming young White man, she met when she was a teen. They met years later and began “dating.” After a period of time, several arguments, bizarre conduct, Ms. Herron-Coward concluded that this White man was Racist. His dating history revealed an unrelenting fetish for non-white females. We’re excited to hear how this incident changed her understanding of what it means to be White and how audiences have responded.



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