Black Talk Radio News – Fukushima related birth defects reportedly on the rise on West Coast

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Tune in for an hour or more of news, information and commentary. Today will be joined by Ajali Shabazz-Muhammad who manages the the FB page Asiatic Black Family Health. Our discussion today will center on reports that rates of birth defects are increasing in states located on the west coast.

The Fukushima meltdown released a large plume of airborne radiation, which reached the U.S. within five days. Federal measurements of airborne radiation, plus other studies of air, soil, seaweed, and kelp documented the highest environmental radiation levels on the Pacific coast, Alaska, and Hawaii.

NPR published a report just days ago that says no one knows what has happened to fuel that was inside the Fukushima reactor.

We also want to discuss possible natural treatments for radiation poisoning that people can consider.

In the news….

The corporate media is in hyper-drive concerning the WBDJ shootings in Virginia. While empathize with someone does not mean you condone their actions but many victims of racism in the work place certainly have been in the shoes of Vester Lee Flannagan II and can understand the racism induced PTSD he possibly suffered from. Author David Love published an article that makes interesting observations about the media coverage.

In related news, I can not help but associate the stories of the bullying and racial teasing former NFL football player Johnathan Martin says he suffered and why he decided to quit football to work on his mental health and that of Vester Lee Flannagan II who had similar complaints about work place racism but decided to take a different route obviously. I imagine Richie Incognito is breathing a sigh of relief.

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