Did Malik Zulu Shabazz of the NBPP order an attack on 71 yr old elder activist?

8-13-2015 6-28-40 PM
Activists Dhoruba Bin-Wahad and Kalonji Jama Changa reportedly attacked on the orders of NBPP leader Malik Zulu Shabazz,

By Scotty Reid

I have it from a good source that people said to be associated with Malik Shabazz and the NBPP attacked and seriously injured an elder in our community on Shabazz’s orders. If this is true, what kind of “revolutionary” conducts himself like a thug and orders an elder attacked by a gang of thugs. Dhoruba al-Mujahid bin Wahad was born in 1945 and is 71 yrs old. He is a writer and activist who is a former political prisoner, Black Panther Party leader, and co-founder of the Black Liberation Army.

Kalonji Jama Changa of the Free The People Movement is another brother I have tremendous respect for and he was reportedly with 71 yr old Elder Dhoruba al-Mujahid bin Wahad and was violently attacked as well.

This is shameful behavior from people who represent themselves as “concsious” and especially so when there needs to be a unified front in the face of police terrorism, white supremacist attacks and legalized modern slavery. This is very serious and just yesterday I was paying respect to the NBPP for its open carry event in Waller County, Texas at the jail were Sandra Bland was found dead in a jail cell under suspect circumstances. Obviously every member of the NBPP was not involved and they will have to deal with this matter internally but this is very bad timing and again, attacking elders?  That should never happened under any circumstance and points to a severe lack of discipline not to mention it looks highly suspicious.

The following is a press release from the New Afrikan Press International…

August 13, 2015
For Immediate Release
Contact: New Afrikan Press International

Movement Activists Violently Attacked at Atlanta Conference
On Saturday, August 8, 2015, a group of six Black Liberation Movement activists were violently attacked at a downtown Atlanta hotel. The group included members of the Free The People Movement, including their Coordinator, Kalonji Jama Changa, members of the Nation of Gods and Earths and Dhoruba Bin Wahad, the internationally recognized former Black Panther Party leader and political prisoner of 19 years. The group was jumped by 25 to 30 members of The New Black Panther Party at “The Power Belongs to the People 2015 Summit” in Atlanta, Georgia, an event hosted by the New Black Panther Party.

Malik ShabazzAccording to eyewitnesses, 71 year-old Dhoruba Bin Wahad and the others approached the side of the stage where attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz was speaking. While standing there, Shabazz, leader of the New Black Panther Party asked, “Who is that?” Bin Wahad replied, “You know who I am!” Shabazz responded “WAHAD! We’ll deal with you later!” Bin Wahad countered with “You can deal with me now…” Knowing that Dhoruba Bin Wahad was there with information that would publicly expose Shabazz’s government affiliations that contradict his stance as a Nationalist and activist for Black liberation, Shabazz immediately ordered the NBPP members in attendance to “Get his b*tch ass out of here!” At that point the whole group was mobbed and violently attacked by at least 25 members of the audience.

As they defended themselves, the men were struck with chairs and other objects. Bin Wahad’s jaw was broken in three places, one of his associates was choked unconscious and others received head gashes that required staples.

As of this release, Bin Wahad is undergoing a 6-hour surgery to reconstruct his jaw and the others have been treated and released. More details will follow as information is gathered.

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8 Replies to “Did Malik Zulu Shabazz of the NBPP order an attack on 71 yr old elder activist?”

  1. I think Dhruba Bin was piss off when Dr. Malik Shabazz said “I will deal with that latee” That’s when Dhruba said “You going to deal with me now negger” which was very disrespecful to Dr. Malik Shabazz. I know Dr. Malik Shabazz because i worked with him, he is not a violent man at all. Mr. Dhruba group disrespected the New Black Panthers Party summit and that’s a fact. We all hope that this is over. I think that both sides should get security guards around them. Hopefully there are not any plot to kill Dr. Shabazz bring planed.

  2. Another independent Eyewitness comes forward and slams Dhoruba Bin Wahad, Kalonji changa, and members of the Nation of Gods and Earths for disrupting a peaceful event, looking for drama, pulling weapons swinging them against an NBPP members…. Kalonji and the posse’ abandoning DBW and running once disarmed and the tide turned collaborating the official account of the New Black Panther Party send this to Slavey D’ cook and the others


  3. The Elder, came in with some other brothers walking in front of the stage; while Malik was speaking on stage, then Malik asked who that is? Then Malik recognized the brother, he told him we will handle it later. The Elder said no, “right now”! Malik said, get him out of here; because he was disrespecting him while he was speaking to the people on stage; and things took a different turn after that. I feel as a people, speaking about both sides, we should never avoid anyone who wants to speak with us; especially when they have strived more than once to speak with you. However, it still must be at the proper time. Another thing, it looked as though the Elder was bringing in back-up; even though that may have not been the case. But No one was expecting such of this nature to occur; we were having such a wonderful Black Power time when that occurred. We must resolve our differences in order to live in Unity** Peace**LoVe.

  4. The love of many IS waxing COLD. I’m not surprised. Shameful. An elder. No matter what the elders scholarship, beliefs whatever, there is no excuse. One thing for sure all skin folk ain’t kinfolk.

  5. I was there on stage when this incident happened. Dhoruba came with kalonji and 6-7 men. Walked in formation to the stage then after being asked to sit and let the program continue, Dhoruba went in his Pocket and attempted to hit a security officer with a metal baton. The order was given to Remove them. They Fought anther security. Kalonji Ran and Left Dhoruba!

  6. Just because someone calls you a brother or a sister in
    the movement; does not mean it is necessarily so.

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