Black Talk Radio News – Open Forum plus more coverage of Tremaine Wilbourn

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Today we will have open forum and callers are the guests. However there are a couple of news story to cover.

Is support building for Tremaine Wilbourn among the masses as more people find his claim of self defense against Memphis police officer and Iraq veteran Sean Bolton plausible? Was Tremaine Wilbourn a victim of the systemic torture in US prisons? Where is the dash cam video of Bolton’s stop? Does a video exist?

A rally was held on the one year anniversary of the murder of John Crawford III by Beavercreek Police which was caught on video. John Crawford Sr. gave a passionate speech calling for armed self defense against police.

Is the Black Lives Matter movement now a front for Democratic politics? This is a question that needs to be asked especially so since they took issue with legally armed Open Carry protesters who have rallied for John Crawford since he was gun down in a Walmart holding an air rifle?

The republicans had a debate last night, did you watch it and what stood out to you?

Hillary Clinton is loosing support among all demographics including white women but she still enjoys great support among Black voters, why is that?

This an possibly more today on Black Talk Radio News

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One Reply to “Black Talk Radio News – Open Forum plus more coverage of Tremaine Wilbourn”

  1. Excellent correlation between possible connection of Black Lives Matter movement and Democrat ties Hmm. If that group with guns were present to stand in solidarity that speaks volumes.

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