Racism Daily Intelligence Update ⋅ July 11, 2015

Racism Intell

Racism of Atticus Finch in ‘Go Set a Watchman’ Could Alter Harper Lee’s Legacy

Atticus Finch — the crusading lawyer of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” whose principled fight againstracism and inequality inspired generations of readers …

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Gatherers at church memorial: ‘Symbolic maneuver’ doesn’t erase racism

Charleston, South Carolina (CNN) As the Confederate flag came down amid fanfare at the South Carolina State House in Columbia on Friday morning …
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whiteness-and-racism Black People Should Stop Expecting White America To ‘Wake Up’ To Racism

Today’s Dream is that white America will somehow wake up and understand that racism makes black America’s problems insurmountable.
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Obama, HUD Take on Racism in Housing

… with regard to fair housing practices is important news, and a necessary and inventive approach for combating systemic racism and inequality.
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Republicans Wake Up to Racism

They rarely mention discrimination or racism. Research shows a Republican base both eager to deny that racism is a significant factor in American …
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Jimmy Carter: ‘Innate racism‘ still haunts America

An “innate racism” continues to haunt America in the wake of the tragic mass murder in Charleston, S.C., and other “police and black confrontations” …
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