BTR News: Who creates the date rape culture?

Speaking with activists associated with Rage Against the Ratchet & Clear The Airwaves Project. With disclosures from court proceedings involving Bill Cosby being made public with him admitting to obtaining drugs to have sex with young women, activists working to clean up the FCC regulated radio airwaves said if what Cosby did was wrong then why is that same society allowing date rape music to be pushed via the public airwaves?

The truth of the matter is that date rape drugs have been promoted in the United States and elsewhere since the early 70s with ads for Spanish Fly appearing in various print publications. Spanish Fly advertisements suggest that drug will make women hot and horny and ready to have sex.

Why are corporations who have disassociated themselves from Cosby still sponsoring radio stations that promote all kinds of negative behavior included giving young women drugs to have sex with them?

If you do not think date rape with drugs is not a problem among the masses but something rich people do, remember this 16 yr-old female who was drugged at a party, raped and pictures posted on social media?

16-year-old girl from Texas says that photos of her unconscious body went viral online after she was drugged and raped at a party with her fellow high schoolers. But the victim isn’t backing down. She’s speaking out about what happened to her, telling her story to local press and asking to be identified as Jada.
16-year-old girl from Texas says that photos of her unconscious body went viral online after she was drugged and raped at a party with her fellow high schoolers. But the victim isn’t backing down. She’s speaking out about what happened to her, telling her story to the local press and asking to be identified as Jada.

Do white people and their proxies who create, sponsor and allow the broadcast of rape music have any culpability in “urban crime”? Are corporations including USA INC engaging in social engineering through media? Should groups like NAN and NAACP get involved to lend support to the Clear The Airwaves Project?

In other news, looks like South Carolina lawmakers finally approved the removal of the terrorist flag of the Confederacy whose veterans became the terrorist organization known as the Klu Klux Klan. The political battle to ban the flag from statehouse grounds was full of hi-jinks from elected racist suspects and white supremacists.

In Tennessee where a white supremacist former mayor wants to slap the terrorist flag on the side of a mountain that once belonged to indigenous tribes before they were violently pushed out. in another part of the state, the bones of the founder of the terrorist organization KKK are being evicted from the City of Memphis. Former Confederate Civil War General Nathan Bedford Forrest, a vicious white supremacist, and enslaver, will have to find a new resting place along with the bones of his white supremacist wife.

SC Rep. Joseph Neal Breaks Through Empty Talk

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2 Replies to “BTR News: Who creates the date rape culture?”

  1. What about the issues? Disorders are disorders and we will fix them, but we have 1.2 trillion dollars between us… It is time to get some power. We are the richest Africans on this planet, can we get some wealth please? Come y’all… And they gave you all the so called smarts you know.

    1. “What about the issues?” You do not consider rape of our sisters, daughters and mothers an issue? You do not consider criminal mind programming an issue? There are a hundred or more “issues” people have to deal with and this is one radio program dealing with one of the issues. If you do not think it is an issue, then you would do better to focus on those issues important to you instead of suggesting to someone else what issue should be important to them. Just a friendly suggestion. Also, insults about someone’s supposed intelligence is not constructive.

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