Political Prisoner Radio – Emergency Medical Campaign renewed for POW Seth Hayes

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A phone bank Medical Emergency campaign for PP/POW Robert Seth Hayes has been reissued.

Supporters and family would like the public to know “Seth is still suffering from un-diagnosed and untreated chronic bleeding and abdominal growths. Many calls have been made to Health Services in regards to these conditions that warrant urgent assessment, and there has been no response. Please join in calling and faxing Health Services this week.

ROBERT SETH HAYES #74-A-2280 , Sullivan Correctional Facility 325 Riverside Drive, P.O. Box 116, Fallsberg, NY 12733-0116
#74-A-2280 , Sullivan Correctional Facility
325 Riverside Drive, P.O. Box 116, Fallsberg, NY 12733-0116

After the assassination of Martin Luther King and the social upheaval which followed it, Robert Seth Hayes, a Vietnam Veteran joined the Black Panther Party, working in the Party’s free medical clinics and free breakfast programs. At the time, seven New York City police officers were breaking into his home, Robert had no police record prior to these charges. He, along with many others in the BPP were forced underground from the constant FBI and police attacks and repression. Read more about Mr. Hayes.

In a case related to the recent SCOTUS decision in marriage equality, a controversy erupted when actor George Takei who is gay, called Justice Clarence Thomas a “clown in blackface”. He has since apologized for his incorrect name calling but expect no apologies from Justice Thomas who said that the state can not take a person’s dignity in his dissenting opinion in the case. You used slavery as an example and we want to discuss in the context of modern slavery and abuses suffered by US held Political Prisoners & Prisoners of War.

Gary TylerPolitical Prisoner Birthdays Gary Tyler (born July 10, 1958) has been a prisoner in Louisiana since 1975, when he was convicted at age 17 of the 1974 shooting death of a 13-year-old white boy. Originally sentenced to death, Tyler was the youngest prisoner on death row.

The Fifth Circuit US Court of Appeals ruled the trial was “fundamentally unfair”. Tyler’s cause has been taken up by human rights organizations, as well as many other supporters, including a range of sports figures and organizations in 2007. Read more. Letters of support can be sent to: Gary Tyler # 84156, Louisiana State Penitentiary, ASH-4, Angola, LA 70712.

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