Black Talk Radio News – Black Crowdfunding News & Deliberate confusion about white terrorism

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Tune in for an hour or more of news and socio/political commentary.

Mr Marlin Adams will join us today to discuss “Crowdfunding is Blowing Up!“. Mr. Adams who has been on in the past is the creator and manager of the Black platform which has a mission To create a Crowdfunding portal as a means of capitalizing the future we want to see. The Internet has provided the means, and Crowdfunding has the potential to be the mechanism we need to encourage the entrepreneurs and innovators amongst us to create and develop projects that help our effort to build an infrastructure of self sufficiency.”

After we speak with Mr. Adams, we will cover some of the news and issues of the day.

Do you feel like the Southern Poverty Law Center contributes to the confusion about white terrorism by labeling white supremacist groups as hate groups and not terrorist organizations? Does labeling the NOI as a hate group for telling uncomfortable truths about white supremacy adding to further confusion being promoted by the SPLC.

The CEO of America has been getting a lot of attention for using the word “nigger” on a racist suspects podcast that frequently uses curse words but what is not getting a lot of attention is that the President of all Americans has yet to call the Charleston attacks an act of terrorism. Why is the President afraid to use the t-word? He is not the only high profile showcased non-white person afraid to call it terrorism.

I always sigh when I see people constantly pointing out how society and law enforcement treat black and white men differently. Like we don’t already know this. But sometimes, the situation is so absurd, that it makes you wanna holla. – Gary Hardwick

Major retailers say they will no longer sell racist propaganda involving the Confederate flag. The Governor of South Carolina and other Republicans in the wake of the terrorist attack have called for the flag to be removed from the state capital grounds. Some non-white people are for it and some are against it. Why? Do we really need symbols to help us identify racists?

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2 Replies to “Black Talk Radio News – Black Crowdfunding News & Deliberate confusion about white terrorism”

  1. Hey, Scottie,
    Heard you today 6/23/15 on your 4 pm show. And you mentioned Minister Louis Farrakhan and white people attending NOI services/meetings, and reference to Scientology. Well, I’m sure you know or may have NOT read or viewed a clip on Farrakhan selling out the NOI & members for $2.3 million. And that was in 2013.
    Anyway, FYI and our Black Radio Network members Please share this which was on YouTube. And Scottie, I don’t mind you talking too much (as you said you can) because David Wren of Thando Radio will not be on tonight — You go right ahead brother, and speak your mind. I love ❤ it. Sooo, here’s the clip. Sister Dee.

    Farrakhan Sold Out The NOI For $2.3million To Scientology – YouTube

    1. Thank you for sharing the information, like I was saying, they are no longer a Black Separatist group, not that any thing is wrong with that but obviously they are no longer one and not a hate group as listed by the SPLC.

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