Video: White Lives Do Not Matter to most white people

On August 11, 2014, Dillon Taylor walked out of a local Salt Lake City, Utah, convenience store and killed by police for no reason.
On August 11, 2014, Dillon Taylor walked out of a local Salt Lake City, Utah, convenience store and was killed by police for no reason.

By Scotty Reid

While white people have been joining the Black Lives Matter movement that sprang up after the killing of Michael Brown by former Ferguson cop and killer Darren Wilson, white people in general have not started their own mass movement against police terrorism and brutality in the United States.

Instead of confronting the police state that is killing white people at an unprecedented rate, the majority white population seems more than content to ignore the mass killing of white people by law enforcement officers and instead seem to revel in the fact that Black men, women and children are being gunned down by cops.

In 1770, Crispus Attucks, a black man, became the first casualty of the American Revolution when he was shot and killed in what became known as the Boston Massacre.
In 1770, Crispus Attucks, a black man, became the first casualty of the American Revolution when he was shot and killed in what became known as the Boston Massacre.

Instead of emulating the colonist who rose up against the brutality of British soldiers that resulted in the Boston Massacre on March 5, 1770, in 2015, the majority white population actually gives unwarranted support to the British soldiers of the day in the US, cops. Ironically, that revolt against the beating of teenagers by British troops was led by Crispus Attucks who must certainly would be classified as a Black male today. Like today, the ruling class at that time, which included John Adams, the future President of the United States, sought to discredit those who opposed the police brutality and other government abuses of their time.

It is quite an interesting study to say the least that in the face of all this white death at the hands of cops, the majority white population just does not seem to believe that White Lives Matter when they are taken by the boys and girls in Blue. Instead of holding armed demonstrations surrounding police departments, white men and women are willing to surround and menace Muslims at Mosques in the US.

Now that video has been released that shows a young white male posing no threat to a Salt Lake City, Utah police officer who gunned him downed without provocation, will this be the turning point when white people will finally start their own mass movements against killer cops who escape prison cell blocks?

Revolution News reports,

On August 11, 2014, Dillon Taylor walked out of a local Salt Lake City, Utah, convenience store minding his own business. He wasn’t armed. He wasn’t committing a crime…on October 1, the district attorney in Salt Lake City, Sim Gill, ruled that the killing of 20-year-old Taylor was justified. Even in his determination, though, he stated that “Taylor’s shooting was justified not because he posed an actual threat, but because (Officer) Cruz reasonably perceived a threat.”

While white people continue to discredit the Black mass movement against the police state and talk about how violence isn’t an appropriate response to violence, they seem to be ignorant of the history of white people using much more violence to free themselves from the police state of the British crown. It seems the majority population is so caught up in their racist anti-blackness that they are more than willing to sacrifice white people to the violence of the police state.

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One Reply to “Video: White Lives Do Not Matter to most white people”

  1. These so called Caucasians are basically sadistic and pathological misfits. They have run a violent and treacherous mental and physical game on the majority of the melanated people throughout world history. Karma is real! Payback is a real bitch!

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