Rapper Nelly caught behind lines with weed and meth

By Scotty Reid

The US imposed Drug War is fundamentally wrong as a liberty-prohibiting bundle of unconstitutional laws designed to put as many people as possible on one of the many prison plantations across the United States. Everyday in the USA many people fall prey to those that would strip them of their liberties and freedoms because of substances they choose to put into their bodies. Even more insidious is that it is all legal and part of the domestic slave trade that was never outright abolished in the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution.

Under the pretense of crime fighting, what federal and state legislatures have created over the last half century is the world’s largest cheap labor force. A labor force that lives under conditions that are inhumane and amount to “cruel and unusual” punishment according to Supreme Court Justices Breyer and Kennedy.

Both justices recently testified at a Congressional budget hearing but when has slavery ever been “un-cruel” and it has never been “unusual” within the borders of the United States.

Knowing all of the traps, pitfalls and legal ways designed to put people into prison slavery, it is troubling to see and read news about people who are seemingly making the slave catcher’s job easier.

The once popular rapper known as Nelly is reportedly facing felony drug charges in Tennessee after being stopped and arrested in Putnam County yesterday.

“Tennessee Highway Patrol says Nelly, whose real name is Cornell Haynes is facing charges of felony possession of drugs, simple possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. THP stopped Nelly’s bus after they say it failed to display a U.S. Department of Transportation and International Fuel Tax Association sticker. It wasn’t until the trooper reached the bus that they noticed a strong odor of marijuana.” – News Channel 9

The reports also says that the highway patrol troopers searched the bus and allegedly found five “rocks” that tested positive for meth.

Allegedly not paying a fee for a transportation sticker from the government lead to a highway stop that lead to an alleged drug bust that lead several people to the process of being processed by the modern day slave system.

If this was a just system only concerned about the personal safety of the public and the driver of the bus was not operating the vehicle under the influence then this would not even be news worthy. In an ideal free society where people have true liberty and a system based on justice, all we would be looking at in this case is a fine for not paying for a sticker and displaying it on a vehicle. Do people really deserve to be confronted with the loss of their freedom for allegedly being meth or weed heads? Of course not but such is the case in the land of the “free”.

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