New Abolitionists Radio – Effective Weapons for War

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April 8th 2015…

Our stories for tonight’s program include;
• A series of outrageous police murders and abuses have all occurred within a short period of time. From North Charleston to Texas. We’ll cover some of the stories.

• Our investigation called “Ferguson is America” continues today with an expose’ on the state of Arizona. A human trafficking hub with guaranteed prison contract requiring 100% occupancy for 25 years straight. Policing for profit, civil forfeiture exploitation and more. Arizona is Ferguson.

• Chris Hedges has called for a boycott, divestment and sanctions against corporations that feed on the prison system. We think it’s a great idea and something YOU can do to make a change today.

Our Abolitionist in Profile will be James Forten (1766 – 1842)

This week’s Rider Of The 21st Century Underground Railroad is Anthony Ray Hinton- freed after nearly 30 years wrongfully convicted, due to a defense that the United States Supreme Court ruled was “constitutionally deficient.”

Expect all of that and more tonight on New Abolitionists Radio.
You can find archived podcasts at

We invite you to join the conversation by calling us at
1-530-881-1400 Access code 549032#
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