Political Prisoner Radio – Approaching 30th commemoration of the US government bombing of the Move Family

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Tonight on Political Prison Radio our special guest will be Mike Africa Jr who was born a political prison when his mother Debbie Africa gave birth to him on a Pennsylvania prison plantation while his father Michael Davis Africa was also imprisoned as part of the political prisoner collective known today as the Move 9.  Debbie Africa was last denied parole in June 2014. Planning is underway for the upcoming commemoration of the May 13, 1985 bombing of the Move Family by the City of Philadelphia and the U.S. government.

Move 9 members Charles Sims Africa and Delbert Africa have a birthday on 4/2 this week and Delbert Africa has a parole hearing about 2 months away in June 2015. Charles Africa’s next parole hearing is not until November 2016.

Charles Sims Africa and Delbert Orr Africa are members of the black liberation and animal rights group MOVE and part of the political prisoners collectively known as the MOVE 9.  Phil Africa recently died in prison under suspicious circumstances and he was proceeded in death by  Merle Africa who died in prison after being denied medical treatment.


This week’s Prison Radio Mix will feature commentaries from Mumia Abu-Jamal, Tom Manning, Kerry Shakaboona Marshall. Support Prison Radio.

In the news,

San Francisco Bay View is reporting that the United Nations has determined that the US government and the state of Louisiana are violating the rights of political prisoner Kenny Zulu Whitmore.

Hawaii state judge recognizes the existence of the overthrown Hawaiian Kingdom.

Political Prisoner Radio is live every Sunday and it is a program that seeks to educate the public on the individual cases of political prisoners and prisoners of war being held by the United States government, many for decades under torturous conditions. It features former political prisoners, advocates, family members and organizations that work to free these individuals and meet their needs while still imprisoned. The program also discusses current events in the historical context of political repression and social conditions that existed and still exist within the United States of America today.

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