College baseball player kicked off team for calling 14yr old girl a “slut” on Twitter

3-23-2015 12-13-24 PM

By Scotty Reid

There are haters and then there is Joey Casselberry.  The former Bloomsburg University first baseman was booted from the team after his jealousy of 14 yr old Little League World Series star Mo’ne Davis got the better of him. Apparently, Disney is working to put together a film about Mo’ne Davis and this apparently upset the college junior to point that he took to twitter over the weekend to question whether or not the 14yr old female baseball star deserved a movie about her and referred to the child as a “slut”.

3-23-2015 12-26-44 PM

Sadly, before Casselberry deactivated his account, the Tweet had been retweeted six times and favorited by nine people.

Bloomsburg announced the dismissal of the junior first baseman on Twitter, and said it was “deeply saddened” by Casselberry’s tweet, noting, “his words do not represent Bloomsburg University.”

Before shutting his social media account down, Casselberry while apologizing for his crass behavior claimed that, his life is ruined because of a “stupid tweet”.

“An example that one stupid tweet can ruin someone’s life and I couldn’t be more sorry about my actions last night. I please ask you to.”

“Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist and I am a huge fan of Mo’ne. She was quite an inspiration.”

Casselberry can hardly say his life is ruined, this just means he will have to convince another small college to allow him to play baseball and work toward completing his education and going on with his life. If he truly felt “Mo’ne” was an “inspiration” then it is likely he would not have questioned why Disney was interested in making a film about her. In time, this will blow over and Casselberry will get back to the rest of his life.

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