6th grade student in Indiana victim of racist terrorism

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By Scotty Reid

When I first heard about this story I could not help but think of Mark Wahlberg’s attempt to have his convictions related to racist terrorism removed from his criminal record that occurred when he was a youth growing up in Boston so he can become a reserve cop. It seems that in at least one school in Indiana they have little Mark Wahlbergs on their hands terrorizing black children.

WSBT 22 reports out of Indiana,

“The Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department is investigating a case of harassment It involves a sixth grade student at Concord Intermediate School. The girl says she received threatening notes. Plus, she was called a racial slur that starts with the letter N.

NyZeria Neely is in the 6th grade, at this time we do not know the names of her attackers. The student who attends Concord Intermediate School and has gone to school in the district for years said that she was called the n-word by a white female student in the school, later she received a threatening note with the same racist language telling her she “did not belong”. Unfortunately, she has endured this sort of racist terrorism that was common and more blatant when schools were first integrated but any black person can tell you stories about these sort acts that has ever attended an integrated school when the student population is predominately classified as white.

The family of says that the district failed their daughter and that everyone from the school resource officer, the school administrators and the superintendent did not take the racist terrorism seriously. The majority of media being produced about the story has portrayed the acts of terrorism as “bullying” and not treating it as an act of racist terrorism that play itself out on a daily basis across America. When the student first reported the story, the principle told her to ignore it because it is “just words”.

NyZeria’s mother Gina Neely has reportedly been banned her from banned her from all Concord school campuses because she kept going to various administrators trying to seek justice for her child. The victim’s father Avonn Pratcher said, “I feel that my child shouldn’t be going through this.”

Ms. Neely took NyZeria and two of her other children out of Concord schools and moved them to Elkhart Community Schools because she says it is not a safe for her children and they can not learn in that sort of environment.

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One Reply to “6th grade student in Indiana victim of racist terrorism”

  1. Do not let these racists suspects get away. One has to teach their children
    to fight. I would advise them to take this matter up with an attorney and a
    local Social Justice organization that will hold a rally on thier behalf,
    until justice prevails.

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