Friday, March 20th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific
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The Context of White Supremacy hosts the sixth study session on one of the most read books in the world, The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told To Alex Haley (1965). 50 years after the death of El Hajj Malik Shabazz, a black male was found hanging from a tree in Mississippi. 50 years after the assassination of Minister Malcolm X, black people continue to be gunned downed and battered with impunity. The war against black people that Minister Malcolm devoted his life to opposing remains; the relevance of his life and work evidenced daily. Last week’s segment outlined Minister Malcolm’s conversion to Islam – with the help of his family and Elijah Muhammad. Once he exited greater confinement, he described the enormous impact of Muslims demonstrating #BlackSelfRespect and courtesy in all interactions with black people. When speaking with Mr. Muhammad, Minister Malcolm emphasized the the importance of recruiting young people for the Nation Of Islam. He once again stressed the significance of reading and expanding one’s vocabulary; words are tools, weapons. As we continue, listeners are advised to keep this text in mind when searching for patience to share with black people.
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