Time For An Awakening – Educate To Liberate w/ Bro. Kush The Black Unifier
Time: 4:00PM EST
Studio: 1-215-253-7263
Conference: 1-559-726-1300 Access code 958590#, hit star 6 and 1 to comment on air.
Radio Station: Time For An Awakening/Black Talk Radio Network
Listen or Call In With Web Based Flash Phone
“Time For An Awakening” special guests for Sunday 3/8/2015 at 7:00 PM (EST) 6:00 PM (CST) will be Organizer, Pan-African, Bro. Kush The Black Unifier/ of Positive Kemetic Vision. “Educate To Liberate” will be the focus among other hot topics with our guest. You can join us and be part of the conversation on this and other related topics. Information, insights and dialogue from a Black Perspective.