Political Prisoner Radio – Hacktivist and Anti-Racist activists Jeremy and Jason Hammond w/ Grace North

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We will be joined by Grace Fire who works with support networks for hacktivist Jeremy and Jason Hammond. Jeremy Hammond is a political activist and computer hacker from Chicago. He was convicted and sentenced in November 2013 to 10 years in US Federal Prison for hacking the private intelligence firm Stratfor and releasing the leaks through the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks.

Jason Hammond is the twin brother of Jeremy Hammond, on January 22, 2015, accepted a non-cooperating plea deal from prosecutors in Cook County, Illinois and he will serve 41 months in prison for his role in an organized anti-racist disruption of the Ashford House. Ashford house is a dining establishment in the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park and was hosting a meeting of the white supremacist nationalist group Illinois European Heritage Association.

Grace North is the head of the Jeremy Hammond Defense Committee and friend of both Jeremy and Jason Hammond. Grace is a committed anarchist, anti-fascist and prison abolitionist who is currently working with Wikileaks’ sister organization, the Courage Foundation, to bring awareness to prison support and prisoners’ rights issues, as well as a variety of intersectional revolutionary struggles.

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Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s latest book is An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States and she will be speaking at several events this week in the NYC area.

Palestinian Right of Return: Going Beyond the 1967 Occupation. “The right of return is absolutely the most significant right in the BDS call” (Omar Barghouti, co-founder, Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign against apartheid Israel). Zionist ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population was central to the creation of apartheid Israel. That crime continues today, both through ongoing dispossession of Palestinians inside the “Jewish state,” as well as through denial of Palestinian refugees’ right to return to their homeland. Please join us for a discussion of this crucial right and its relationship to BDS activism and the struggle for justice throughout historic Palestine.

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