Rally in Solidarity with Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution

2-25-2015 2-48-25 PM

Join us us to say “U.S Hands off Venezuela!”

24th & Mission, San Francisco

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On the 2nd Anniversary of Hugo Chávez’s death, we celebrate his legacy, embodied in the people and their struggle.

On Feb. 12, President Nicolás Maduro announced that a right-wing coup was thwarted by the revolutionary government. The U.S. and Venezuelan rightwing continue to try to overthrow the Venezuelan government. It is urgent that we organize in the United States to defend Venezuela’s sovereignty.

March 5 is the second anniversary of the tragic passing of President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela. Yet, despite his short life, he transformed Venezuela by his courageous struggle to make the Venezuelan masses the protagonists of their destiny.

Before Chávez, Venezuela’s natural resources enriched only the oil companies and ruling class. Today the country’s wealth has been harnessed for true development — hundreds of thousands of homes, healthcare and schools throughout the country.

The goal of the Bolivarian Revolutionary process is socialism, where every human being can enjoy guaranteed rights of healthcare, education, housing, jobs, equality, culture, social peace, and international solidarity.

But the U.S. government is working to destabilize the Venezuelan revolutionary government, financing right-wing organizations, encouraging coup attempts and terrorist attacks on the population. Now, the U.S. Congress is applying sanctions on Venezuela to punish the government and people for defending their sovereignty.

It is up to us, the people of the United States, to demand that our government stop the attacks and destabilization of Venezuela, respect International Law and Venezuela’s right to live.

Join us on Thursday, March 5, 5 pm, 24th and Mission, S.F., for a rally to say: “U.S. Hands Off Venezuela! Chavez Vive! La Lucha Sigue!”

Sponsored by Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition. Endorsed by ANSWER Coalition, SOA Watch-San Francisco; FMLN-Nor. California; FSLN-Nor. California; Haiti Action Committee; Hondurenos en Resistencia del Norte de California; Task Force on the Americas; Nicaragua Center for Community Action; Party for Socialism and Liberation; Workers World Party; Marcha Patriotica of Nor. Cal.

This demonstration is part of nationally-coordinated actions against U.S. aggression in Venezuela

More info: 415-821-6545 or www.ANSWERsf.org


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