Key parts of the Patriot Act expire soon…

2-25-2015 7-12-15 PM

Key parts of the Patriot Act expire soon — so we have a new opportunity to push back against ongoing, illegal, mass surveillance of Americans.

Will you click here to join our coalition effort demanding that Congress put an end to mass spying?

The government has used the Patriot Act to claim enormous new powers to spy on all of us — and has lied about it with impunity.

It’s gone too far, but this spring, key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire – including one that the NSA claims lets it collect private data about all of our phone calls.

It’s illegal and ineffective, and it must STOP.

Click here to join us and our partners as we tell Congress that we can’t allow unconstitutional mass surveillance of Americans to continue. 

This spying is so offensive that the original sponsor of the Patriot Act, Representative Jim Sensenbrenner, is urging colleagues to sign a letter asserting that they will vote against reauthorization if the law is not amended to ban mass surveillance.

More signatures on the letter mean more power for us and our allies as the Patriot Act approaches its sunset.

Will you click here to urge your lawmakers to sign it the letter?  It’ll just take a second, and will strengthen our position as we approach the Patriot Act expiration.

We’ve come close to reining in the NSA several times — with your help, we can win this one.

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