BTR News w/ Scotty Reid – Charlotte NAACP President Corrine Mack, Gastonia NC Cop kills elderly veteran

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The wave of police shootings of civilians across the United States continue to plague Americans with a recent shooting hitting close to the home base of the Black Talk Radio Network in Gaston County, North Carolina.

74 yr-old James Allen, a US Army veteran was killed by a Gastonia Police officer helped by the fire department forcibly entered Mr. Allen’s through a backdoor where the officer confronted Mr. Allen who was armed with a handgun reasonably and accurately believing someone had broken into his home. While in violation of now laws standing in his own home, the officer is said to have “ordered” Mr. Allen to drop his weapon and claimed the weapon was pointed at him at which point he shot and killed the veteran who was born in 1941 and would have been old enough to be drafted in Vietnam during the 1960s and 70s. One Gaston County attorney says police have a right to break into people’s homes and its completely legal and that you can not point guns at officers. The cover-up begins. 

Joining the broadcast during the second hour will be President Corrine Mack from the Charlotte Chapter of the NAACP, which is the oldest chapter in the state of North Carolina. President Mack took over the branch when Rev. Kojo Nantambu stepped down from his post on January 9, 2015 and former community affairs chair for the branch took over as President of the chapter that started in 1919. We will cover President Mack’s priorities for the chapter, job discrimination and police brutality.

In the news,

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  • The White House is on the defensive from the Israeli Prime Minister who along with allies in the US Congress are intent on derailing peaceful negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program.



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