The C.O.W.S. Failure To Understand Whites

Tuesday, December 30th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

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The Context of White Supremacy dissects the masterful Racist campaign Whites have orchestrated since the shooting death of Michael Brown, Jr. The final third of 2014 has produced an undeniable surge in attention and dialog about Racism. However, Whites have managed the terms, rhetoric and direction of these conversations in a flawless manner. They’ve consistently redirected to black criminality – which warrants White dominion and abuse. They’ve perpetually showcased Victims of Racism (non-white people) who have insisted that Eric Garner and Tamir Rice’s deaths had nothing to do with Racism, and/or that not all Whites are Racist – as evidenced by the hoards of Whites who have marched and shouted in the streets for weeks on end. One of the greatest errors and enduring lies is that prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch, Governor Jay Nixon, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and the White community in general are ignorant about Racism and this collective lack of intelligence continues to produce endless, unprosecuted black death. Admitted Racist Tim Wise has has been on the grind, and black people are gulping the koolaid.


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