“It is Officially Open Season on Black Folks”: Legal Expert Decries Handling of Wilson Grand Jury

On Monday St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch announced the grand jury had found “that no probable cause exists” to charge Officer Darren Wilson with any crime in the death of Michael Brown. The jury deliberated for three months and heard dozens of hours of testimony, including from Wilson himself. But did they hear the full story? McCulloch himself had faced public scrutiny throughout the grand jury investigation, with calls for him to resign over allegations of a pro-police bias and questions raised about an unusual grand jury process that resembled a trial. We speak to Vince Warren, executive director of the Center for Constitutional Rights, who is just back from Ferguson. “I don’t think we can take away anything from this decision not to indict other than that it is now officially open season on black folks when it comes to police violence,” Warren says.

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