Tanya Free & Friends – Republicans, Guns & Ferguson
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This week’s topics include:
- What do you think led to Republicans taking control of the Senate? Could it be that Democrats were dragged down both by President Obama’s presence and his absence? Where did the Democrats go wrong?
- Should Congress respect the rights and wishes of voters and allow D.C.’s marijuana legalization to stand?
- Do you agree with the majority of Americans who believe having a gun in the house makes it a safer place?
- Ferguson Mo. Mayor James Knowles told local media this week that authorities must “prepare for the worst” and he expects demonstrations across the area when the Grand Jury makes the decision whether or not to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the death of teenager Michael Brown.
The Tanya Free and Friends Talk Show WCLM1450AM in Central Virginia , WMXP 95.5 FM in Greenville SC ,AMFM 247Network and streaming LIVE on Black Talk Radio Network @ 2pm EDT. You can Text TANYA FREE to 72727 to share your comment or opinion!
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