Are leaks in Michael Brown shooting case indication that no federal charges will be filed?

With the killing of Michael Brown and efforts to bring his executioner Darren Wilson to justice dragging on, there is some speculation that Wilson, the killer cop who by witness accounts shot unarmed Michael Brown while he was giving up with his hands in the air, will not be indicted by a St. Louis grand jury. Since the New York Times has been publishing what its calling Darren Wilson’s account obtained from leaks by federal officials, speculation is mounting that the leaks will ultimately lead to an outcome that will not sit well with the protesters in and around Ferguson. A former St. Louis official said this means that no federal charges will be filed in the case.

Former St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch believes more information will be leaked out to the media by a government source and that this strategy has been used before, “Assuming that the article is correct my belief is that there will be future articles written as probably from the same federal source that will let out a little information each time as it gets closer to the actual announcement of the verdict or charges or no charges.”

Fitch believes the leaked information is an attempt to let some people down slowly, “It was an intentional release with someone familiar with the federal side of the investigation, in my opinion, for the sole purpose of preparing the community for what may be seen for many as bad news, that there’s not going to be any federal charges.”

After years of an alleged 2 year Department of Justice investigation into the murder of Trayvon Martin who was racially profiled, stalked and killed by George Zimmerman in Sanford, FL. The 17 yr-old unarmed student’s killer has to date never been held accountable for his actions and the Department of Justice recently announced they will not be filing federal charges will be filed in that case.

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