Video: Black Baltimore cop viciously beats Black man at bus stop

On June 15, 2014, A Black Baltimore cop was captured by a police surveillance camera beating a Black man who was standing at a bus stop with his girlfriend when the assault occurred. The video surveillance operator flagged the video for internal affairs and prosecutors became aware of beating in June but the officer was not suspended until September after the footage was made public. Baltimore community leaders want to know why it took 9 months to take Officer Vincent E. Cosom off the street who has been suspended with pay.

The video was not made public until the victim Kollin Truss filed a lawsuit.

The Baltimore FOP union rep and vice-president Gene Ryan said the video does not necessarily show guilt. “It’s been my experience that videos don’t tell the whole story,” Ryan said.

The state attorney’s office is investigating the case but declined making further comment but the victim and his girlfriend who stepped in to stop the violent assault courageously putting herself in harms way said they had not been interviewed by anyone conducting a investigation.

In the video, as the victim is being viciously beaten by Officer Vincent E. Cosom, another officer who is white, can be seen restraining Kollin Truss while yet another officer did nothing to stop the assault but instead sought to stop Truss’s girlfriend from intervening.

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