WYMS Radio: Justified Domestic Violence? The Curious Case of Baby Blue

 the revolution of the mind continues…

National debate this season is focused on domestic violence and battered women. The silent question that no one dates to ask is “did she deserve it?” Now before you get the tampon posse after us for even uttering the question, we invite you to join us Tuesday night for the Curious Case of Little Boy Blue.

A woman named Delishia beat her 11month old child senseless and left him on the porch in the freezing cold and told the father to come get him. After the father arrived, he WEPT after seeing the abuse to his son, then got Into the apartment and punched Delishia in the the face (a few times).

We know what the law says… But is there ever a time when hitting a woman is justified? Should he have handled it differently? Is he to blame for dropping his seed into this monster of a human to begin with? Were the police justified in arresting him? What would you have done if this was your child?

Controversial topics.. real world dilemmas. The revolution of the mind continues.


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