Friday, September 5th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy hosts the seventh and final study session on legendary poet, author, scholar, mother, sexual abuse survivor and Victim of White Supremacy Dr. Maya Angelou. Dr. Angelou transitioned in May of 2014. Her counter-racism offerings are deserving of reflection. We’ll examine her 1969 novel, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. This book is a chilling indictment of White people and their global system of terrorism aimed at black people. Last week segment chronicled the pitiful parenting efforts Dr. Angelou’s father offered. He joked about parceling her out to older men when she was only fifteen and neglected her at a Mexican fiesta to get intoxicated. Her father’s girlfriend disliked her as well, and the two eventually had a brawl when she called Dr. Angelou’s mother a whore. As Bailey grew older he and Dr. Angelou grew apart and he eventually moved out of his mother’s residence with the help of an elderly White prostitute. This week marks our final session on this depressing commentary on the black life under White Terrorism. We’ll make note of concluding thoughts and what White folks find so wonderful about this text. We’ll also remain vigilant for the influence of White God/White Jesus/Christianity.
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