Presumed presidential candidate and political insider Hillary Clinton offered what some consider the most truthful commentary from a politician about what the nation is witnessing in Ferguson, Missouri after unarmed teen Michael Brown was gunned down by Ferguson cop Darren Wilson. However, Hillary Clinton should not be considered any kind of honest broker when it comes to justice considering her role in overthrowing the government of the sovereign nation of Libya which is still dealing with militias who are terrorizing the country that the United States government empowered.
The Washington Post reports,
Her statements in many ways echo those of Sen. Rand Paul’s who also imagined himself as Michael Brown, mouthing off at a cop as a teen, but with a very different outcome based on race. Both Paul and Clinton went further in their statements than Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Obama, who in his third statement on Ferguson, touched on black crime rates, and only allowed that there might be sentencing disparities and differential treatment for blacks in the criminal justice system.
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