Killer Cop Darren Wilson to be “honored” by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

ALIPAC The ultra-conservative group Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) just hit a new low by tweeting out support of notorious killer cop Darren Wilson whom they plan to “honor” at a town hall meeting for gunning down unarmed teen Michael Brown in the middle of the street with his hands raised in the air to surrender. William Gheen hoping to capitalize off the infamy Wilson now enjoys as he hides out in a rat hole somewhere, featured the disgraced cop on a promotional graphic for upcoming town hall meetings to discuss “illegal immigration”.

Considering that Michael Brown was a citizen of the United States, it is hard to see what his murder has to do with immigration issues unless Gheen does not recognize the citizenship status of Black people and it would be interesting to find out what he thinks is so honorable about Wilson gunning down an unarmed teenager. 8-26-2014 12-25-34 PMGheen failed to respond to tweets for comment about his offensive tweet.

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