Political Prisoner Radio: Back from Ferguson activists Rosa Clemente & Russell Shoats III

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Rosa Clemente, an activist and former Green Party VP candidate will speak to us about the police terrorism she and others suffered while protesting in Ferguson, Missouri on August 20,2014. She told Ebony online that “officers swooped in on us from all directions and locked us down. The threats, their eyes, postures, weaponry said it all: “We have the power, we don’t care how many cameras there are, we can do what we want and we will never have to be held accountable.”

Russell Shoatz III speaks with us tonight about his father Russell Maroon Shoatz who is a political prisoner currently being tortured in prison after being convicted in a Kangaroo trial for killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1970. The Philadelphia police was notorious for its abuse of Black people in the city and worked directly directly with the FBI in its illegal COINTELPRO activities to frame, murder and otherwise eliminated members of Black liberation groups and others.

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Russell Maroon Shoatz was a community activist, a founding member of the Black Unity Council, a former member of the Black Panther Party and soldier in the Black Liberation Army. He has been held in solitary confinement since 1991 depsite a clean prison record and the United Nations designation that solitary confinement is a from of toruture. In 2013 Shoatz file a lawsuit in federal court demanding an end to solitary confinement. Read more at http://russellmaroonshoats.wordpress.com/

Political Prisoner Radio

Political Prisoner Radio is a program that seeks to educate the public on the individual cases of political prisoners and prisoners of war being held by the United States government, many for decades under torturous conditions. It features former political prisoners, advocates, family members and organizations work to free these individuals. The program often discusses the historical political repression and social conditions that existed and still exist within the United States of America.

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