National Bar Association has Filed a Lawsuit Against the City of Ferguson and the Ferguson Police Department
The National Bar Association also sent a Preservation of Evidence Notice to both entities requesting that they preserve the police officers’ raw notes of all statements, observations, and data collected from the scene of the incident, specifically including the officer involved and all responding officers, officer detail logs from the crime scene, and video & photographic evidence related to the August 9, 2014, fatal shooting of Michael Brown and subsequent arrests of protestors in the City of Ferguson.
“There can be no full, fair and accurate accounting in any state or federal criminal or civil action unless any and all footage is carefully preserved,” stated Pamela J. Meanes, President of the National Bar Association. “We want to ensure the family of Micheal Brown and the residents of St. Louis understand correct measures are being taken to protect evidence regarding this tragic incident.”
The lawsuit comes days after the City of Ferguson Police Department released the name of Darren Wilson, the officer identified of shooting Brown.
The National Bar Association was founded in 1925 and is the nation’s oldest and largest national network of predominantly African-American attorneys and judges. It represents the interests of approximately 60,000 lawyers, judges, law professors and law students.The NBA is organized around 21 substantive law sections, 9 divisions, 12 regions and 80 affiliate chapters throughout the United States and around the world. For more information, visit: www.nationalbar.org
Any time that there is injustice to anyone , anywhere we Indigenous People of Turtle Island(America) are saddened and concerned.
Since we are and continue to be the original caretakers of this land, anything that happens upon it is our concern.
When the first Africans were brought in chains tom our lands, we understood that this country upon which my Peoples live, loved and are buried on would be changed forever. Our White Brothers, for in our way, we are all Brothers and Sisters , created by Giji Manitou , the Great Spirit, as equal and related,created a karmic error by enslaving African People and committing Genocide against us. You , our African Brothers and Sisters are on our homelands as well as the races . Some of them don’t recognize or know where they are, they have forgotten their roots and left their ancestors buried far away in distant lands. You however have the opportunity to recognize where you are and who we are so that we may enter into a period of time where all our Peoples may enjoy the gifts and beauty of this land which the Creator has allowed us to live upon. Chief Tom Dostou, War Chief , Algonkian Nation