The C.O.W.S. w/ Allen M. Hornblum: Sentenced To Science

Monday, August 18th 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

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The Context of White Supremacy welcomes MrAllen M. Hornblum and Mr. Edward “Butch” Anthony. Mr. Hornblum is a White man whose research and policy interests focus on the exploited and leveling the political and economic playing field. His passion for revealing social inequities and instances of outright abuse resulted in his leaving his position in the Sheriff’s Office to research and chronicle the history of the Holmesburg Prison medical experiments, which he had personally witnessed earlier in his career. Acres of Skin, Allen’s groundbreaking investigation of this dark chapter in American medical history – and the complicity of many penal systems across the country – has now become the classic work on the subject and a recipient of considerable media attention. We’ll discuss his 2007 follow-up  text, Sentenced To Science: One Black Man’s Story Of Imprisonment In AmericaThis text provides intimate details on the life and White Terrorism that Mr. Edward “Butch” Anthony was subjected. Anthony is a black male, former drug addict, convict and subject in numerous prison experiments. We’ll hear details on how he and other black males were exploited by White scientists and how homosexual behavior was promoted by these sadistic “studies.”

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