Non Violent Black Man vs By Any Means Necessary

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A group of about 100 people who work on Broadway in New York City held non-violent protest in front of the local NYPD police station and shot words at the officers. This demonstration is being promoted on The Grio as it has always been the media’s job, including Black media, to non-violence to black people while the corporate media is justifying the US government supported genocide occurring in Israel.

Black people have been “talking” about the issue of police violence and the murder of our people since before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated and they still “talking” about it non-violently in 2014. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. While you are always shown the images of the non-violent Black man, there has always been Black men and women who took a different path whom you are not taught about and what they accomplished…

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