PP Radio: Shujaa Graham, The origins of “Black August” and Prison Movements

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Shujaa Graham was born in Lake Providence, Louisiana, and grew up on a plantation in the segregated South of the 1950s. He moved to Southern California where he experienced the Watts Riots and police occupation and violence in his community. As a very young man, he spent much of it in juvenile institutions and was enslaved at Soledad Prison when he turned 18 yrs-old.

While in prison, Shujaa taught himself to read and write and studied history and world affairs. He was mentored by the leadership of the Black Prison movement. He would grow to become a leader of the growing movement within the California prison system, just as the Black Panther Party expanded in the community.

In 1973, he was framed for the murder of a prison guard and was given the death penalty. Obviously, Mr. Graham was able to prove his innocence and free himself in spite of the system of justice as he says.

He will speak to us tonight on the origins of “Black August” and prison movements.

Shujaa Graham lives in Takoma Park, Maryland, with his partner, Phyllis Prentice, and both are active members of Witness to Innocence’s Board of Directors.

Political Prisoner Radio is a program that seeks to educate the public on the individual cases of political prisoners and prisoners of war being held by the United States government, many for decades under torturous conditions. It features former political prisoners, advocates, family members and organizations work to free these individuals. The program often discusses the historical political repression and social conditions that existed and still exist within the United States of America.

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One Reply to “PP Radio: Shujaa Graham, The origins of “Black August” and Prison Movements”

  1. Peace,Love and Prosperity. Thanks for your love and love of sistehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VBTByISyCU

    Lets save ourselves so we can save our children(I believe we will do this simultaneously and systematically) http://www.producejustice.com.

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