Time For An Awakening w/ Chair of the Department of Politics at the University of San Francisco Prof. James Lance Taylor

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Phone: Studio Line: 1-215-253-7263
Listen Only: 1-559-726-1300 ext 958590#

“Time For An Awakening” special guest for 7/13/ 2014 at 7:00pm est will be Author, Lecturer, Chair of the Department of Politics at the University of San Francisco Prof. James Lance Taylor. Author of the book Black Nationalism in the United States will join us for Part II of our discussion on the question “Has the Black Church (in its current state) outlived it’s usefulness to the Black Community?” You can join us and be part of the conversation on this and other related topics. Always information and insights from a Black Perspective.

Time For An Awakening Radio is streaming every Sunday from 7pm est – 9pm est. Past guests include Dr.Molefi Asante, BaBa Ashra Kwesii, BaBa Runoko Rashidi, Dr.Leonard Jeffries , Michelle Alexander, Boyce Watkins, Wlimer Leon, Tom Burrel, Dr.Maulana Karenga ,Ezra Aharone, Dr. Umar Johnson , State Of Black Farmers Series,Milton Alimadi, Dr. Tony Browder,Michelle Alexander, and many others.

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